Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Everest Concept

Ashley Barnard from Blackpool in the UK has come up with a way to try and make his dreams come true, of climbing the world’s highest mountain Mt Everest at 29035 feet.

Ashley Barnard plans to climb the world’s highest mountain in April of 2009 by using his new Everest Concept of getting people to sponsor him to climb the mountain by way of purchasing links on his web site. The links are in the shape of feet and form a pyramid, he plans to sell 29035 feet in total, the total height of Everest.

Buyers of these foot links can purchase them for as little as £1 per foot up to £1000 per foot, with the highest paid foot standing proudly on top of Mt Everest in the background.

Since Ashley launched the site on the 6th January he has seen some very positive responses from people around the world praising him on his idea and wishing him lots of luck.

The site is already on with a few users leaving positive and good luck comments.

For full information and to see his site visit